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Rik Rozendaal



Keywords: Computational design,

Structural design, Robotic fabrication,

Natural materials, Complex structures,

Sustainable design.

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Rik is a Lecturer at the Chair of Structural Design + Mechanics. He is also part of the Computational Design and Structural Engineering team at Summum Engineering, where his interests lie in innovative and natural materials, robotic fabricaton, lightweight structures and computational design. He has previously worked as a structural engineer at SWINN, where he worked on projects in steel, concrete and timber, in residential, industrial and commercial buildings.

He has also been part of the team at Synopel Architecture as a Building Technologist/Designer, where his areas of expertise were building physics, building engineering, refurbishment and sustainability.

Selected Publications

  • Calculating arches through graphic statics: developing a new method, Rozendaal, H., & Borgart, A. (2015), In IASS 2015 Amsterdam Symposium: Future Visions – Graphic Computation (pp. 1-10).


-Technoledge Glass Structures (MSc, A+BE)

-Bend and Break: Form and Force (BSc Minor, CiTG)

-Design 6: Building andTechnology (Structural Design) (BSc, A+BE)

-Design 2: Design and Engineering (Structural Design) (BSc, A+BE)

-Technology 2: Materialization and Construction (Structural Design Analysis) (BSc, A+BE)

-Technology 5: Dwelling Technology (Structural Design Analysis) (BSc, A+BE)

-Sustainable Architectural Materials and Structures (MSc, A+BE)

-Technology 1: Technical Scientific Fundaments I (Applied Mechanics, BSc, A+BE)

-Structural Design, Special Structures (MSc, CiTG)

-Research and Methodology (MSc, A+BE)

-Technology 4: Construction and Climate Design (Structural Design Analysis) (BSc, A+BE)

-Architectural Engineering Graduation Studio (MSc, A+BE)

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